The International School Elckerlyc has a small Special Educational Needs (SEN) department providing both educational, social and emotional support to those pupils in need.
When applying, parents of children with special needs are requested to provide as much information as possible as well as include any reports from psychologists, speech therapists and specialist teachers.
The school may request that further assessment is carried out before a definite placement is offered.
If a pupil is not making the progress expected there will be discussions between class teachers, SEN co-ordinator, SEN teacher and parents. Any further assessment necessary will be carried out in school or by external professionals, depending on the need. Following this an Individual Educational Plan ( IEP ) will be drawn up. There is a bi-lingual Speech Therapist based at the school, who works with pupils identified by the teachers and SEN department, as well as carrying out a total screening of all pupils in group 2.
Support for all pupils is provided both in-class, by the class and SEN teachers, as well as outside of the classroom in small group activities as well as on an individual basis.
Once a year standardised British testing of groups 3 – 7 will be carried out to assess the academic progress of all pupils, in maths, literacy and spelling. Other testing of each year group is carried out at regular intervals throughout the academic year by the classroom teachers.
Parental support and input is encouraged at all stages.
For further information about our SEN and Inclusion policy please follow the link:
SEN Policy