Music at Elckerlyc International School

Music supports learning, personal and social development, promotes health and well-being and bonds communities of people like no other activity.

Our goal is to ensure that children have opportunities to sing regularly and well for all the benefits research demonstrate.
Elckerlyc encourages and supports singing with children so that they:

  • Learn to sing well and enjoy singing
  • Develop musical skills and understanding

The music lessons for the youngest children will centre around singing and moving to music. Focusing on beat, playing simple rhythms and singing in limited pitch: the first 5 tones of the do re mi system.
From group 3 onwards, children will develop further musical skills: singing in broader range in melody, two and three part harmony and more complicated rhythms to play school instruments.

We provide guitars for group 7 to take home and play to get a deeper understanding of melody, harmony and rhythm. At the end of their last year at school they will perform a musical.

It is our intention to have concerts and performances every year so the children can demonstrate their skills and talents.

International mindedness