First experience of school

Our philosophy is to recognise the uniqueness and individuality of each child, support your child’s interests and build up his/her self-esteem and confidence. We consider that play is an essential aspect of all children’s learning and development.

Our aims in group 0 are to:

  • Provide the best possible environment for your child’s learning and development based on the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC).(These continue through into group 1)
  • Provide each child with a safe and warm environment for their learning and development.
  • Support the children as they settle into the routines of school life calmly and confidently.
  • Capture each individual child’s curiosity through a range of experiences and activities in an enabling environment.
  • Support your child as they learn and develop at their own unique pace.
  • Promote independent learning, providing opportunities for your child to explore and express their ideas in multiple ways.
  • Provide an environment where basic skills, knowledge and personal interests can flourish.


Our criteria for admission in to group 0 is that your child is 3 years old. Your child should be dry during the day and be able to use the toilet independently. They should also be able to feed themselves.

Up to date information can be found by following the link:

Group 0 information brochure

International mindedness