Welcome Committee

This supplementary Information Pack has been put together to answer questions which are not specific to the school and as such are not covered in the School booklet. This pack covers questions relating to where you should live, what living in the area may be like, information about local towns where Elckerlyc families tend to live, after school activities, day trip ideas, general information about Holland and the Dutch and much, much more!

Information pack

The Information Pack is written by a group of parents who have been in your position at some point in the past and who would have loved to have had ALL this useful info at hand when they were at decision making stage and or just arrived! As such it is not intended to be an administrative guide to arrival in The Netherlands, a tourist guide or an in depth guide to Dutch Customs and Culture, just a collection of what we feel would be useful for you.

Information for new parents

Although the Welcoming Committee consists of just five committed parents, we have been fortunate enough to be assisted by a considerable number of other equally committed parents who have written about their towns and/or specific subjects which they felt would be useful to new parents. These parents, and many others have also agreed to have their details available on our Family Helpline List (a list of parents ready to answer any questions you may have by E mail/phone). However small or large their participation has been, we would like to thank them all.

More information?

We hope that this Information Pack helps you in some way and we appreciate any comments and/or suggestions you may have (you may point out errors also!). If you would like to get in touch with a family from our helpline list please mail parents.welcome@gmail.com


Frequently asked Questions:

Welcoming Committee FAQs

Supplementary Info Pack for Parents

Welcome Note for New Families

International mindedness