International Primary Curriculum

The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) uses a thematic, creative, and inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning. It encourages both teacher-led and child-led learning that supports the children in their journey of becoming well-rounded, globally competent citizens. Children are encouraged to develop their own interests, practise transferable skills, use previously learnt knowledge to question further, and use what they have learnt to innovate and adapt their own ideas.  The aim of IPC is to develop motivated, independent and curious learners who are self-aware and reflective. The personal goals of the International Primary Curriculum support this and are promoted in daily life at Elckerlyc. The personal goals are to be: thinkers, adaptable, resilient, collaborators, communicators, respectful, empathetic and ethical.

At Elckerlyc, the subject learning goals cover the knowledge, skills and understanding of: science, art, design technology and innovation, geography, history, health and wellbeing.

These goals follow on from the Learning strands of the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) which is taught in foundation stage (Groups 0 and 1). These learning strands are: independence and interdependence, communicating, enquiring, and healthy living and physical well-being. The early years curriculum encourages the children to learn to:

  • explore new ideas and make connections through a play-based approach to learning.
  • ask questions and become curious about the world around them.
  • develop speaking, listening and language skills on a daily basis.

In Milepost 1 (Groups 2 and 3), children learn to develop these attributes further through practice with speaking confidently, sharing new ideas and collaborating. They become more aware of their place in the world, how they learn best as individuals and how to improve on their own learning. In Milepost 2 (Groups 4 and 5), children learn to change the way they communicate and present their learning in different situations, for different purposes and a range of audiences. They learn to compare their cultures with others, to plan and edit their learning and to research new ideas using a variety of sources. In Milepost 3 (Groups 6 and 7) children learn to test, explain and justify their predications, investigations and conclusions. They develop a wider understanding of who they are, how they fit in their environment and how they can contribute to the local and wider world.

International mindedness